BT0015: Mary Rice Building Extension - Paemahi Kaupapa Tūmatanui
Silica waste management
Ngā Āpitihanga :
Record of Toolbox Silica Dust Mangement.pdf
15th Pipiri 2023, Silica Management - Bryant Sites
Please below the requiments when working with silica on Bryant sites.
Ngā Āpitihanga :
All subcontractors are required to comply with the below:
• M or H class vacuums, local exhaust ventilation, and on-tool-dust-extractors must be used.
• M or H class vacuums and other tools, used as a control for silica dust management, must be serviced regularly as per manufacturers recommendations.
• Face fit respiratory protection must be used if ANY silica dust is present while conducting tasks, regardless of other controls in use.
• Working with respirable crystalline silica dust is considered a HIGH-RISK activity, therefore, SWMS must be specific for each task that could possibly expose workers to RSC dust.
• A SWMS that only refers to the Code or Appendix 4 in the Code will NOT be compliant and will be rejected in Hammertech.
• Ensure the hierarchy of control has been used in the control selection of the SWMS.
• Ensure exclusion zones, with visible signage, are erected when working with RCS.
• All workers on site are required to perform regular cleans to ensure no silica dust is left on site.
• Dust control plans are required if working with materials containing more than 1% silica.
Bryant, as we are sure you do as well, want to ensure no one on site is exposed to RCS and we also want to work with all our subcontractors to ensure we are all compliant.
If you would like further information regarding the management of silica dust you can request a copy of the Bryant Managing Silica Dust Presentation from the site supervisor or Bryant HSEQ.
Silica Bulletin Attachment.pdf
Huarere Paemahi Onāianei
Whakahōu Tōmuri i: 12:21 a.m.
Pāmahana: 19C (Taupānga 14C)
Terenga Hau: 33KMH
Mōrahi. Hau: 33KMH @12:21 a.m.
Marangai mai i 9AM: 0.8mm
Pāmahana Mōkito: 19C @12:20 a.m.
Pāmahana Mōrahi: 28C @3:41 p.m. 01/02/2025
Apū: 43KMH
Apū Mōrahi: 43KMH @12:21 a.m.
Tauwāhi Kitenga - Toowoomba, QUEENSLAND
Rohe Wā - Brisbane Wā Aro Whānui
Matapae - Rātapu, 2 Huitanguru
Shower or two.
Mōkito: 18C Mōrahi: 26C
Te Tūpono ka Marangai: 50%
Ua Manako: 0 ki 2mm
Tauwāhi Matapae - Toowoomba, QUEENSLAND
Rohe Wā - Brisbane Wā Aro Whānui
Āpōpō - Rāhina, 3 Huitanguru
Shower or two.
Mōkito: 18C Mōrahi: 26C
Te Tūpono ka Marangai: 50%
Ua Manako: 0 ki 2mm
E mōhio ana rānei koe ki ngā Whakaritenga PPE mō tēnei paemahi?
Āta tiaki kei a koe ngā taputapu haumarutanga tika mō tō rā tuatahi i te paemahi.
Tīmata wawe ake ina tae koe ki te paemahi.
Whakaotia tuihonotia tō rēhitatanga paemahi ina pai koe hei penapena tāima.
E mōhio ana rānei koe ki ngā Whakaritenga PPE mō tēnei paemahi?
Āta tiaki kei a koe ngā taputapu haumarutanga tika mō tō rā tuatahi i te paemahi.
Tīmata wawe ake ina tae koe ki te paemahi.
Whakaotia tuihonotia tō rēhitatanga paemahi ina pai koe hei penapena tāima.